Growing Colorectal Cancer Cases in the Philippines

Colorectal cancer has become the third most common cancer and the third leading cause of death among all cancers in the Philippines. Though something as simple as early detection through a quick screening process can be the key to surviving colorectal cancer, most Filipinos know very little about this kind of cancer and its symptoms. Sadly, more than half of colorectal cancer patients in the country are already at an advanced stage of the cancer when they seek medical attention. As in other cancers, the disease is more difficult to treat and patients get a slimmer chance of survival at a higher cancer stage.

The Medical City (TMC) sponsored a series of lay fora on colorectal cancer at the first national convention of the Philippine Society of Colorectal Cancer Surgeons (PSCRS), where several myths about colorectal cancer were debunked and a panel of experts presented the new technology and available treatments that make colorectal cancer a highly preventable and curable disease.

According to Dr. Manuel Francisco T. Roxas, a colorectal cancer specialist from TMC, colorectal cancer has become one of the common cancers and cause of death in the Philippines despite the high rate of prevention and cure among patients who are diagnosed early. “It is highly recommendable for people above the age of 50 to be screened for colorectal cancer because early detection of the disease can be the only sure way for them to survive the disease. Evidence shows that screening with fecal occult blood test (and colonoscopy in some cases) among healthy people above the age of 50 significantly decrease the death rate from colorectal cancer. Unfortunately, there is no screening program that has been implemented in the Philippines, so a majority of Filipino patients find out too late that they are suffering from colorectal cancer,” explains Dr. Roxas.

Moreover, rectal bleeding can already be a symptom of more serious problem in the rectum, but many patients have mistaken this for hemorrhoids, only to find out a few months later that they are already at an advance stage of colorectal cancer.

Colorectal cancer may be a very common cancer but it is also one of the easiest cancers to treat if detected at an early stage. In the Philippines, TMC is the only hospital that uses the immunochemical fecal occult blood test, which is proven to be more accurate than the old Guaiac test used by other hospitals in the country. TMC also has the complete facilities for advanced diagnostic and therapeutic colonoscopy.
Dr. Roxas explains the importance of planning out everything before starting treatment for a colorectal cancer patient. “Before you touch a patient, you need to know the stage of his colorectal cancer. Staging is very important, and we only have one machine in the country that can stage colorectal cancer. It’s the endorectal ultrasound machine, which only TMC has in the country. It is one of the most accurate modalities for the staging of rectal cancer and it is used by the most experienced colorectal surgeons.”

TMC has also established a multidisciplinary team of experts on colorectal care, along with the most advanced modalities for the diagnosis, staging and treatment of the disease. Filipinos who are diagnosed with colorectal cancer need not seek professional treatment abroad because TMC already offers colorectal cancer care expertise and treatment facilities that are at par with global standards.
Despite all the available technologies and treatment, Dr. Roxas stresses the need to get screened before anything else. “It is highly advisable for people who reach the age of 50 to get screened. It is now easier to test for colorectal cancer with the fecal occult blood test and it only costs about P500 a year. Polyps found during screening can be easily removed before they develop into full-blown cancer.”
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